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Copy of Volume 2, Number 48: September 14 - September 21, 1973

This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from September 14 - September 21, 1973, had 8 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of Volume 2, Number 48 of the Harrisburg Independent Press from September 14, 1973

Article Index

Inner city housing construction stops dead

by Stan Luxenberg

page 2, page 5, page 1

keywords: President Nixon; federal housing programs; Department of Community Affairs; substandard housing; Harrisburg Redevelopment Authority; Seawright Corporation; subsidized housing; Chief Justice Burger; Housing Act; impoundment; Department of Housing and Urban Development

Tax group plans protest march to Harrisburg

page 2

keywords: Tax Equity for America party; progressive tax reform; "Tax Action Day"; Philadelphia; state and local taxes; corporate taxes; Walk for Tax Justice; AFL-CIO; graduated state income tax; Pennsylvania League of Women Voters

Nazi death gas used in Vietnam

by LNS

page 2

keywords: Hydrogen cyanide; U.S. Air Force; Vietnam; Geneva Convention; Senate Armed Service Committee; Sergeant Steve Hawkins; Bill Amos


by Dick Sassaman

page 3

keywords: Labor and AIndustry Building; security guard; computer room; The Book Shop; Finley Peter Dunne; Mr. Dooley; U.S.S. Torsk; Balimore Inner Harbor

The great energy wasters

by Ralph Nader

page 3

keywords: In the Public Interest; energy crisis; industrialists; environmentalists; air pollution; energy companies; solar energy; fuel companies

Attica: two years after

by Jim White

page 3, page 6

keywords: Attica State Prison; Grand Jury; indictments; murder; coercion; Ramsey Clark; William Kuntzler; racism; McKay Commission; prison conditions; riots; Rahaam Karanja; State of New York; prisoners; Sam Melville; law enforcement officials

Kangaroo grand juries lock up dissenters

by Martin Fassler

page 4

keywords: "The Grand Jury: The Political Question"; Federal Judge John Sirica: Assistant Attorney General Robert Mardian; Watergate; G. Gordon Liddy; political dissidents; Vietnam Veterans Against the War; Anthony Russo; contempt; Internal Security Division; Harriet Mitchell; self-incrimination; John Mitchell; Maurice Stans; H.R. Haldeman; John Ehrlichmann

Nine film soundtracks, a movie music sampler

by Dick Sassaman

page 7

keywords: Music Review; Jimi Hendrix; Shaft in Africa; Isaac Hayes; Four Tops; Live and Let Die; George martin; James Bond; Cleopatra Jones; Joe Simon; Millie Jackson; black superhero; O Lucky Man; Malcolm McDowell; Alan Price; Tom Sawyer; Richard and Robert Sherman; Enter the Dragon; Lalo Schifrin; Bruce Lee; John Saxon; State of Seige; Los Calchikis; Mikis Theodorakis; Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid; Sam Peckinpah; Bob Dylan


by Jim Flanagan

page 1

by LNS

page 2, page 3


by LNS

page 4


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