This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from February 2 - February 9, 1973, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.
Article Index
Divorce reform: another try in the legislature
by Hannah Leavitt
page 1, page 8, page 9
keywords: "no fault" divorce, contested divorce, uncontested divorce, Rep. Marty Mullen, Rep. David Savitt, "indignities to the person", adultery, reconciliation conference, Pennsylvania Catholic Conference
Post-war aid
by Tony Russo
page 2
keywords: Vietnam, economic aid, anti-war movement, Vietnamese people, reunification
Remember thalidomide?
by Ralph Nader
page 2
keywords: In the Public Interest, Food and Drug Administration, pregnant women, thalidomide babies, Distillers, West Germany, England, Japan
Letters to the Editor
page 2
keywords: Vietnam, "Peace with Honor"
Thieu watching: For civilian prisoners the war continues
by Ho Ngoc Nhuan, LNS/PNS
page 2
keywords: South Vietnam prisons, Vietnam War, political prisoners, Chi Hoa prison, prisoners, Committee to Reform the Prison System
Blacks take a back seat in history textbooks
by Jim Flanagan
page 4
keywords: Holy Family School, black stereotype, American history, black history, George Washington Carver, Martin Luther King, Dick Gregory, Indian treaties, reservations, slavery, textbook, "Living in America"
The press abroad: kicking around Nixon
by Dick Sassaman
page 5, page 6
keywords: Vietnam, President Nixon, Henry Kissinger, saturation bombing, protest, Daily Mirror, International herald Tribune, Roy Jenkins
6 Nearby Places to ski
page 5
keywords: Ski survey, Charnita, Honey Brook Hill, Meadow Valley, Richmond Hill, Ski Roundtop, Tuscanita
Today's Army cancels rights for drug users
by LNS
page 6
keywords: W. Germany, Zindorf, "Anti-drug Movement", Lawyers Military Defense Committee, drug abuse, Brigadier General Anthony R. Daskevich, American soldier
The car show: body by Playboy
by Jim Wiggins
page 7
keywords: Farm Show Building, 1973 Auto Show, magazine advertising, Women's Liberation, sex object, Playmate of the Year
page 8
keywords: Memphis, movies, magazines, censor, Last Tango, I Love My Wife, Col. Oran Henderson, My Lai, Indiantown Gap, Jane Fonda, Tom Hayden, Justice William Brennan, abortion, York policemen, Human Relations act, long hair, FBI Director Patrick Gray, Black Panthers, incarceration, rehabilitation, Insurance Commissioner Herb Denenberg, special interest groups, public pressure, Consumer Federation of America, Judge Winston Arnow, Confederate flag, "Rebels", segregation, Penn State, student organization, Homophiles of Penn State, legal suit, Madison Square Garden, national anthem, American anthropologist, Indonesian tribes, natives, Rep. Lawrence Coughlin, newman's sources, federal court, Whippersnapper, underground newspaper, Baltimore ACLU, shopping center, "fuck", Bozo the Clown, National Association of Broadcasters, children's TV shows
How no-fault divorce works
by Michigan State Bar Journal
page 9
keywords: Michigan, custodial rights, property settlement, reconciliation, adultery
Books Books
page 10
keywords: Double-Speak in America, Mario Pei, Furioso, Valdemar Lestienne, Struggle for Freedom: The History of Black Americans, Daniel S. Davis, Churchill, DeGaulle, Nazis, racial attitudes, A. Philip Randolph, Marcus Garvey, The Implosion Conspiracy, Louis Nizer, Julius and EthelRosenberg, espionage case, Soviet Russia
page 10
keywords: The Poseiden Adventure, Gene Hackman, ocean liner, tidal wave, Jeremiah Johnson, Robert Redford, Young Winston, Simon Ward, Winston Churchill, Robert Shaw, Anne Bancroft, The Getaway, Steve McQueen, Ali McGraw, Sam Peckinpah, Black Gunn, Jim Brown
page 11
keywords: Dueling Banjos, Deliverance, Eric Weissberg, Marshall Brickman, Judy Collins, True Stories and Other Dreams, Che, Doug Sahm and Band, Sir Douglas, Bob Dylan, David Bromberg, Fathead Newman, Augie Meyer, Deep Purple, Who Do YouThink We Are?, John Martyn, Solid Air, Richard Thompson, Dave Mattacks, John Bundrick, The World of Flatt and Scruggs
by Gene Suchma
page 4, page 11
by Toni Truesdale
page 7, page 9
by Jim Flanagan
page 7
by LNS
page 3, page 5, page 6