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Volume 2, Number 25: March 30 - April 6, 1973

This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from March 30 - April 6, 1973, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of Volume 2, Number 25 of the Harrisburg Independent Press from March 30, 1973

Article Index

Camp Hill prison holds 300 juveniles illegally

by Jim Wiggins

page 1

keywords: Department of Public Welfare; Larry D. Barker; criminal justice bureaucracy; Welfare Secretary Helene Wohlgemuth; probation; community-based rehabilitation; juvenile judges; NAACP

City group organizes to boycott meat

by Barb Alushin

page 1, page 4

keywords: Consumers Agaimst Rising Prices; food prices; Beth Fine; President Nixon; price controls; Giant Foods; ground beef; sirloin; chicken; eggs

People's Yellow Pages

page 2

keywords: HIP/People's Yellow Pages; alternative community; criminal justice; social services; women's liberation; drug rehabilitation; alternative education

How safe atomic energy?

by Ralph Nader

page 2

keywords: nuclear power plants; Atomic Energy Commission; ECCS; Emergency Core Cooling Systems; radioactive wastes; low level radiation; breeder reactors; Dixie Lee Ray; insurance companies; reactor design

Letters to the Editor

page 2, page 8

keywords: John F. Buddington; Mental Patients Civil Liberties Project; Vivian Hain; Patient Rights Manual; civil liberties; Office of Mental Health; Joseph C. Sweigart; Harrisburg City Council; W. Crawford Murdock; Republican candadates

'Treatment' of homosexuals: Psycho-destruction

by Don Jackson/LNS

page 3, page 7

keywords: "Dachau for Queers"; Gay Liberation Book; Santa Barbara, Calif.; Atascadero State Hospital; maximum-security facility; sex offenders; surgical experiments; California State Department of Mental Hygiene; Mentally Disordered Sex Offenders Act; MDSO; Nuremburg Code; AMA; Dr. Grant Morris; anectine; Dr. Walter Nugent; electro-shock therapy; Vacaville Medical Facility; gay activist; Pavlovian conditioning; professor William Chambliss; prolixin; "lewd and lascivious conduct"; San Francisco Chronicle

Let Them Eat Cheese

by JohnBuddington

page 4

keywords: Arthur Burns; Nixon Administration; alternatives to meat; protein; soybeans; Diet for a Small Planet; vegetable recipes

Pentagon Papers: The last great political trial?

by Jim Wiggins

page 5, page 7

keywords: Daniel Ellsburg; Tony Russo; espionage; conspiracy; Vietnam war; national security; classified information; Judge W. Matthew Byrne; Lieut. Gen. William G. DePuy; Gen. Earle Wheeler; Rand Corp.; McGeorge Bundy; Top Secret; CIA; Samuel A. Adams; South Vietnam; Arthur M. Schlesinger

.. and in Pennsylvania

page 5

keywords: congressional reform; House Majority Leader Robert J. Butera; 'Legislative Journal'; Kathy McCaughin; Citizens for a Responsive Government

A poet visits North Vietnam

by LNS

page 6, page 8

keywords: Denise Levertov; North Vietnam's Writers Union; Committee of Solidarity with the American People; Muriel Rukeyser; Jane Hart; Bach Mai; hospitals; Institute for the Care of Mothers and the Newborn; St. Paul's Hospital; Hanoi; Vientiane, Laos; reunification

The Pilots

by Denise Levertov

page 6

keywords: bombs; prisoners; P.O.W's; Vietnamese women; Mrs. Brown


page 7

keywords: Billy Graham; evangelical crusade; rape; capital punishment; obscene material; insanity, legal defense; classified documents; death penalty; Thieu government; Truong Dinh Dzu; Justice Department; John Lennon; resident alien status; Gordon Rule; Navy's Procurement Control and Clearance Division; Grumman; Litton; Ernest Fitzgerald; cost overruns; C-5A airplane; reinstatement; Supreme Court; property taxes; public school systems; one-man; one-vote

Toward a great American novel on Vietnam

by Jim Flanagan

page 8

keywords: Free Fire Zone; Wayne Karlin; Basil Paquet; Larry Rottman; 1st Casualty Press; Vietnam veterans; James Aitken; Army Commendation Medal; Vietnam Veterans Against the War; John Kimpel

Cedar Cliff jazzmen learn from a master

by Dick Sassaman

page 9

keywords: Music Review; Miles Davis; Clark Terry; Jazz Abstracts II; Cedar Cliff Jazz-Lab Band; Duke Ellington; fluegelhorn; Miles Davis; Buddy Rich; Count Basie; Greg Smee; Mumbles; Bill Butts; My Funny Valentine; Dave Cox; Let's Talk Trumpet from Legit to Jazz; Ballad Horn; Freddie Hubbard


page 10

keywords: Sleuth; Laurence Olivier; Michael Caine; The Poseiden Adventure: The Valachi Papers; Charles Bronson; Avanti!; Jack Lemmon; Billy Wilder; Chloe in the Afternoon; Eric Rohmer; Pete 'n Tillie; Walter Mattau; Carol Burnett; The Godfather; Marlon Brando; Best Picture of the Year; Best Actor


page 11

keywords: Pan; debut album; Ron Elliott; Beau Brummels; Jimmy Cliff; The Harder They Come; reggae; West Kingston; Jamaica; Dion's Greatest Hits; Belmonts; Runaround Sue; Heaven and Earth; Refuge; Ovation


by LNS

page 1, page 3, page 5


by LNS

page 6

by Mark Jury

page 8

coutesy of Cedar Cliff High School

page 9


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