This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from March 30 - April 6, 1973, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Article Index
Camp Hill prison holds 300 juveniles illegally
by Jim Wiggins
page 1
keywords: Department of Public Welfare; Larry D. Barker; criminal justice bureaucracy; Welfare Secretary Helene Wohlgemuth; probation; community-based rehabilitation; juvenile judges; NAACP
City group organizes to boycott meat
by Barb Alushin
page 1, page 4
keywords: Consumers Agaimst Rising Prices; food prices; Beth Fine; President Nixon; price controls; Giant Foods; ground beef; sirloin; chicken; eggs
People's Yellow Pages
page 2
keywords: HIP/People's Yellow Pages; alternative community; criminal justice; social services; women's liberation; drug rehabilitation; alternative education
How safe atomic energy?
by Ralph Nader
page 2
keywords: nuclear power plants; Atomic Energy Commission; ECCS; Emergency Core Cooling Systems; radioactive wastes; low level radiation; breeder reactors; Dixie Lee Ray; insurance companies; reactor design
Letters to the Editor
page 2, page 8
keywords: John F. Buddington; Mental Patients Civil Liberties Project; Vivian Hain; Patient Rights Manual; civil liberties; Office of Mental Health; Joseph C. Sweigart; Harrisburg City Council; W. Crawford Murdock; Republican candadates
'Treatment' of homosexuals: Psycho-destruction
by Don Jackson/LNS
page 3, page 7
keywords: "Dachau for Queers"; Gay Liberation Book; Santa Barbara, Calif.; Atascadero State Hospital; maximum-security facility; sex offenders; surgical experiments; California State Department of Mental Hygiene; Mentally Disordered Sex Offenders Act; MDSO; Nuremburg Code; AMA; Dr. Grant Morris; anectine; Dr. Walter Nugent; electro-shock therapy; Vacaville Medical Facility; gay activist; Pavlovian conditioning; professor William Chambliss; prolixin; "lewd and lascivious conduct"; San Francisco Chronicle
Let Them Eat Cheese
by JohnBuddington
page 4
keywords: Arthur Burns; Nixon Administration; alternatives to meat; protein; soybeans; Diet for a Small Planet; vegetable recipes
Pentagon Papers: The last great political trial?
by Jim Wiggins
page 5, page 7
keywords: Daniel Ellsburg; Tony Russo; espionage; conspiracy; Vietnam war; national security; classified information; Judge W. Matthew Byrne; Lieut. Gen. William G. DePuy; Gen. Earle Wheeler; Rand Corp.; McGeorge Bundy; Top Secret; CIA; Samuel A. Adams; South Vietnam; Arthur M. Schlesinger
.. and in Pennsylvania
page 5
keywords: congressional reform; House Majority Leader Robert J. Butera; 'Legislative Journal'; Kathy McCaughin; Citizens for a Responsive Government
A poet visits North Vietnam
by LNS
page 6, page 8
keywords: Denise Levertov; North Vietnam's Writers Union; Committee of Solidarity with the American People; Muriel Rukeyser; Jane Hart; Bach Mai; hospitals; Institute for the Care of Mothers and the Newborn; St. Paul's Hospital; Hanoi; Vientiane, Laos; reunification
The Pilots
by Denise Levertov
page 6
keywords: bombs; prisoners; P.O.W's; Vietnamese women; Mrs. Brown
page 7
keywords: Billy Graham; evangelical crusade; rape; capital punishment; obscene material; insanity, legal defense; classified documents; death penalty; Thieu government; Truong Dinh Dzu; Justice Department; John Lennon; resident alien status; Gordon Rule; Navy's Procurement Control and Clearance Division; Grumman; Litton; Ernest Fitzgerald; cost overruns; C-5A airplane; reinstatement; Supreme Court; property taxes; public school systems; one-man; one-vote
Toward a great American novel on Vietnam
by Jim Flanagan
page 8
keywords: Free Fire Zone; Wayne Karlin; Basil Paquet; Larry Rottman; 1st Casualty Press; Vietnam veterans; James Aitken; Army Commendation Medal; Vietnam Veterans Against the War; John Kimpel
Cedar Cliff jazzmen learn from a master
by Dick Sassaman
page 9
keywords: Music Review; Miles Davis; Clark Terry; Jazz Abstracts II; Cedar Cliff Jazz-Lab Band; Duke Ellington; fluegelhorn; Miles Davis; Buddy Rich; Count Basie; Greg Smee; Mumbles; Bill Butts; My Funny Valentine; Dave Cox; Let's Talk Trumpet from Legit to Jazz; Ballad Horn; Freddie Hubbard
page 10
keywords: Sleuth; Laurence Olivier; Michael Caine; The Poseiden Adventure: The Valachi Papers; Charles Bronson; Avanti!; Jack Lemmon; Billy Wilder; Chloe in the Afternoon; Eric Rohmer; Pete 'n Tillie; Walter Mattau; Carol Burnett; The Godfather; Marlon Brando; Best Picture of the Year; Best Actor
page 11
keywords: Pan; debut album; Ron Elliott; Beau Brummels; Jimmy Cliff; The Harder They Come; reggae; West Kingston; Jamaica; Dion's Greatest Hits; Belmonts; Runaround Sue; Heaven and Earth; Refuge; Ovation
by LNS
page 1, page 3, page 5
by LNS
page 6
by Mark Jury
page 8
coutesy of Cedar Cliff High School
page 9