This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from May 4 - May 11, 1973, had 16 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Article Index
Shapp & unions play politics with workers' lives
by Jim Wiggins
page 1, page 11
keywords: Gov. Milton Shapp; labor unions; occupational safety; National Safety Council; industrial hazards; Occupational Health and Safety Act; Occupational Safety and Health Administration; Pennsylvania Secretary of Labor and Industry Paul Smith; Division of Occupational Health; United Steelworkers of America; President Nixon; Environmental Strike Force; Sem. Carl T. Curtis; AFL-CIO; Occupational Disease Hearing Board
'Patriot' rejects Boy Scout news
by Steve Murray
page 2
keywords: Richard Osborn; Patriot and Evening News; Cub and Boy Scout news
Gas at $1 per gallon
by Ralph Nader
page 2
keywords: In the Public Interest; oil industry; gas retailers; independent dealers; Connecticut Attorney General Robert Killian; mass transit; Federal Trade Commission; oil prices
Letters to the Editor
page 2
keywords: Anne Rosen; Wounded Knee; American Indian; American dream
Women's Center opens, 'We've only just begun'
by Hannah Leavitt
page 3
keywords: Harrisburg Women's Center; YWCA; Annette Martin; sexism; Women's Rights Convention; crisis counseling; referrals; Harrisburg Women's Rights Movement; Harrisburg Women's Political Caucus; Janet Beals; Eileen Toth; "Sexism in Education"; women artists; "Survival File"; employment
American Legion protest causes Fonda cancellation
page 3
keywords: 'Cat Ballou'; Jane Fonda; WTPA-TV; Program Director Paul Baker
Chavez charges grape growers payoff Teamsters
by LNS
page 4
keywords: Coachella Valley, Calif.; Cesar Chavez; United Farmworkers Union; Teamsters union; lettuce growers; Frank Carolla; FBI; picketing; Mexican migrant workers; grape boycott; minority workers
Church, labor groups blast teamsters
page 4, page 15
keywords: Coachella Valley; farmworkers; Cesar Chavez; church leaders; congressmen; union representation; Monsignor George Higgins; Congressman Edward R. Roybal; William L. Kircher; Congressman Philip Burton; Rev. Juan Bombero; Rev. Lynn Hodges; Rev. Robert Weirbach; Rev. Juan Hurtado; Ms. Li Conley
by Dave McFadden
page 5, page 6, page 7, page 12
keywords: Special Report; NARMIC; American Friends Service Committee; ; Government of Vietnam; Provisional Revolutionary Government; Democratic Republic of Vietnam; caeasefire violations; New Yorker; CBS news; Baltimore Sun; President Thieu; Washington Post; Joint Military Commissions; President Nixon; military bases; military advisors; refugee camps; martial law; military prisoners; civilian prisoners; Don Luce
People's Yellow Pages Emergencies, Referrals Counseling
compiled by Susan Hoch
page 8
keywords: Contact; Hamilton Area Ministry; Catholic Social Services; Jewish Family Services; Youth Information Center; Youth Urban Service; Coalition for Childhood Survival; Free Health Clinic; ACLU Task Force on Mental Health Rights; Aurora Club; Bethesda Mission; Gaudenzia House; Clergy Consultation Service; Fish; Childcare Service; Family and Children's Services; Alcoholics Anonymous; Alanon Alateen; Teen Challenge; Family Planning; Birthright; Red Cross; Parents Without Partners; Pacida; Dauphin County Legal Services; Council of Churches of Greater Harrisburg; Market Square Presbyterian Church
People's Yellow Pages Alternative Schools
compiled by Susan Hoch
page 8
keywords: Londonderry School; Children of Africa School; Harrisburg Independent Academy
People's Yellow Pages Justice & Prison Reform
compiled by Susan Hoch
page 8
keywords: Harrisburg Bail Fund; Volunteers in Probation; Citizen Education/Action Project; Yoke Crest
People's Yellow Pages Political & Community Action
compiled by Susan Hoch
page 9
keywords: Harrisburg Center for Peace and Justice; Citizens for Responsive Government; Harrisburg Independent Press; Young Workers Liberation League; Harrisburg Clergy and Laity Concerned; Consumers Against Rising Prices; Hamilton Uptown Neighbors Together; United Nations Association of Harrisburg
People's Yellow Pages Earth & Environment
compiled by Susan Hoch
page 9
keywords: Citizens for a Safe Environment; Cumberland Conservancy; Cornucopia Co-op; Coalition Against Ruining the Environment; Citizens for a Balanced Transportation Plan
People's Yellow Pages Programs for Women
compiled by Susan Hoch
page 9
keywords: Harrisburg Women's Rights; Women's Political Caucus; Pennsylvanians for Women's Rights; Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
Christmas in Hanoi 1972
page 10
keywords: Bach Mai Hospital; Medical Aid for Indochina; Bach Mai Hospital Fund; Ret. Brigadier General Telford Taylor
page 12
keywords: Defense Department; defense contractors; War Powers Act; "state of emergency"; bailout; Lockheed; South Carolina; Equal Rights Amendment; Oregon; 14th Amendment; 'Citizen's Bill of Hospital Rights'; consumer advocate; Nixon administration; AFL-CIO President; George Meany; inflation; unemployment; budget deficits; Office of Management and Budget; Roy Ash; Environmental Protection Agency; gasoline consumption; miles-per-gallon; Atlantic City; closed-circuit TV system; police surveillance; remote control; boardwalk
Down Memory Lane to 33 A.D. and the 1950s
by Dick Sassaman
page 13
keywords: Hershey Community Theater; Godspell; Hershey Arena; Richard Nader; Rock and Roll Revival; Jesus Christ; the Good Samaritan; the Prodigal Son; "day by Day"; Bobby Comstock; Dovals; Bristol Stomp; Orlons; South Street; Bill Haley and the Comets; Rock Around the Clock; Bo Diddley; The Five Satins; In the Still of the Night; Little Richard; Tutti Frutti
page 14
keywords: Diana Ross; Lady Sings the Blues; Lisa Minelli; The Sterile Cuckoo; Charles Chaplin; Limelight; Cabaret; Joel Grey; The Poseiden Adventure; Gene Hackman; The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean; Paul Newman; John Huston; Class of '44
by LNS
page 1, page 6, page 7, page 9, page 11
by Hoch
page 3
courtesy of the 'Daily Pennsylvania'
page 12
keywords: Checkers; "Watergate Speech"; Richard M. Nixon
by Serbell
page 13, page 15
by Wallmeyer
page 4
by Truesdale
page 5, page 12
by LNS
page 8