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Volume 2, Number 33: May 26 - June 2, 1973

This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from May 26 - June 2, 1973, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of Volume 2, Number 33 of the Harrisburg Independent Press from May 26, 1973

Article Index

Political 'dirty tricks' a Harrisburg tradition

by Jim Flanagan

page 1, page 8

keywords: Pennsylvania Election Code; Citizens for Responsive Government; Kathy McCaughin; voting fraud; Judge of Elections Charles Lamb; Al Schmidt; James Saxton; campaign literature; Wendell Banks; poll watchers; mayor; City Council; election officials

Wildwood Park: final battle

by Hannah Leavitt

page 1, page 3

keywords: Coalition Against Ruining the Environment; River Relief Route; temporary injunction; Wildwood Park; Judge William S. Nealon; Environmental Istartmpact Statement; Federal Highway Act; Al Schmidt; Bruce Douglas; Jacob Kassab; PennDOT; Robert Sugarman

Sexism at HIP

by Jean MacLachlan

page 2

keywords: porno movie ads; Patriot News; dialogue; Ted Glick; Sears catalog

Pluralism: starting to work?

by Ralph Nader

page 2

keywords: In the Public Interest; economic pluralism; auto companies; vehicle safety; Insurance Institute for Public Safety; Allstate; GM; Ford; State Farm; "crash parts"; Federal Trade Commission; monopoly; ITT; General Telephone and Electronics Corporation; consumers; Western Electric; AT&T

Letters to the Editor

page 2, page 9

keywords: Kathi Roche; porno movie ads; Ted Glick; censorship; Gerald J. Brennan; abortion ads; Richard J. Yost; sexist ads

Watergate causes CIA shuffle. Phoenix apologist move up

by LNS

page 3

keywords: William E. Colby; James R. Schlesinger; Southeast Asia; Operation Phoenix; pacification; clandestine operations; Committee for Action/Research on the Intelligence Community

York 5 fined $1,000 apiece

by Jim White

page 3

keywords: Charles Glackin; AMF; William Galvin Jr.; Rollin Kirk; Patricia Kirk; Thomas Korkamas; Monica McKig; President Nixon; conspiracy; Vietnam

Housing: Why suburbs thrive while cities die

by Ambrose Klain

page 4, page 8

keywords: housing; public housing; urban ghettoes; school systems; under-employment; prejudice; mass transit; Cumberland County; 1949 Housing Act; urban renewal; Philadelphia; 1956 National Highway Defense Act; middle class

Welfare Rights Manual

page 4

keywords: Judge William Knox; Department of Public Welfare; college students; employment; public assistance; County Board of Assistance

Maharaj Ji: perfect master or perfect con man?

by Jim Flanagan

page 5, page 11

keywords: Mahatma Ji Trivenanand; spiritual knowledge; Paul Krassner; CIA; Oral Roberts; Billy Graham; Shri Hans Inc.; mahatma; Divine Light; "the knowledge"

The million dollar mistrial of Ruchell Magee

by Robert Manning

page 6

keywords: kidnapping; "Marin County Courthouse Shoot-out"; "diminished capacity"; California Supreme Court; mistrial; U.S. Supreme Court; Robert Carrow; voir dire; Judge Harold Haley; Judge Gary Thomas; murder; Dr. Kenneth Clark; San Quentin; American Psychological Association

Army replaces outdated atomic ammo

by LNS

page 6

keywords: Elliot Richardson; Senate Foreign Relations Committee; nuclear shells; Department of Defense; Atomic Energy Commission; nuclear warheads


page 7

keywords: African Liberation struggles; South Africa; apartheid; U.S. corporations; Rhodesia; Portugal; Israel; Polaroid; racism


page 8

keywords: Ralph Nade; Internal Revenue Service; federal gift taxes; Nixon; campaign committees; U.S. Appeals court; William Kunstler; draft resistance; Dan Berrigan; Danbury; Camden 17; agent provacateur; FBI; Arthur Banks; judge Clarkson Fisher; Camp David; marijuana; Cambodia bombing; Watergate; 'Doonesbury'; 'Altar Bound'; Judith Zeiders; David Hepford; Al Schmidt; city councilman; CARE; River Relief Route; Watergate hearings; soap operas; environmental protection

Loudon Wainwright III: the power of a skunk

by Dick Sassaman

page 9

keywords: Dead Skunk; Little Rock; School Days; Samson and the Warden; composer; White Cloud; Hometeam Crowd; Needless to Say


page 10

keywpords: Drive in movies; Fists of Fury; Five Fingers of Death; Karate; Kung Fu; Class of '44; Red Sun; Toshiro Mifune; Charles Bronson; Ursala Andress; Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid; Sam Peckinpah; James Coburn; Kris Kritofferson; Bob Dylan; Save the Tiger; Jack Lemmon; Last Tango in Paris; Marlon Brando; Maria Schneider; Joe Hill; labor organizer; Thommy Berggren


page 11

keywords: Marjoe; Steven Gaines; Eskimo Realities; Edmund Carpenter; Facing the Lions; Tom Wicker; politics; New York Times columnist; Strategy for a Living Revolution; George Lakey; Che Guevara; Poems; John Fowles; The Devils and Canon Barham; Edmund Wilson


by Peg Kerr

page 1

by LNS

page 4

by Susan Hoch and National Geographic

page 7


page 11


by Flanagan

page 5

by LNS

page 6


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