This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from December 21, 1973 - January 4, 1974, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.
Article Index
Angry men stop driving their trucks
by Stan Luxenberg
page 2, page 8
keywords: Roadway Truck Stop; Carlisle Pike; energy crisis; strike; fuel companies; David Manges; Billy G. Wells; owner operators; company drivers; fuel shortages; Nixon; rising costs
DA's office review bails, advices District Justices
by Todd McIntyre
page 2, page 9
keywords: Deputy District Attorney Edwin Frese; Dauphin County Judges; District Attorney Leroy Zimmerman; Public Defender Richard Walker; Warden Richard Davis; bail system; Allegheny County Bail Agency; bail reduction; preventitive detention; People's Bail Fund
Nixon oversees search for dog's mate
by LNA
page 2
keywords: King Timahoe; E. Irving Eldridge: Irish setter; breeder
Oil industry profits grow
by Ralph Nader
page 3
keywords: Nixon administration; oil companies; William E. Simon; gas reserves; pollution law; waste of energy; Office of Energy Conservation
by Dick Sassaman
page 3
keywords: George E. Reedy; The Twilight of the Presidency; White House assistant; Liddy; Colson; Haldeman; George H. Derby; Squibob Papers; Indians; American flag; energy crisis; Ringo Starr; Charlie Van Dyke; photograph; billboard; Band On the Run; Paul McCartney; Rolling Stone; HIP editor; Jim Wiggins; "All the Blues That Fit"; Tom Wolfe; "Funky Chic"
Meat injected with anti-biotics
by Vicki Sufian/PNS
page 4
keywords: 'Bay Area Guardian'; cattle; California; arsenic; cancer; Food and Drug Administration; Violet One; U.S. Department of Agriculture; slaughter houses; farmer; feed manufacturer; George Pollack; Consumer Union
Women athletes fight discrimination
by LNS
page 4
keywords: Concerned Women Athletes; women's intercollegiate sports; University of Illinois Athletic Association; federal financial assistance; track runners; field hockey team; softball team; food and lodging; javelin
American Indochina involvement continues
by Jim White
page 4, page 5
keywords: Don Luce; Indochina Mobile Education Project; Paris agreements; Indochina Peace Campaign; Jean-Pierre Debris; Andre Menras; tiger cages; Con Son prison; political prisoners; letter writing campaign; South Vietnamese police; USAID; bombing; pacification; defoliation
Walpole prisoners fast for Christmas
by LNS
page 5, page 8
keywords: National Prisoners Reform Association Against Poverty, Racism and War; Attica Brothers Legal Defense Fund; Massachusetts; inequality; injustice; racism; Christmas Fast
Huntington prisoners entertained by concert
by Jim Zimmerman
page 6, page 10
keywords: Huntingdon; state prison; Juniata College; "People's Concert"; political event; Cincinnati; Vietnam Veterans Against the War; Bob Moore; racism; Barbara Dane; Scottsboro boys; "Lonesome Prison Blues"; "Insubordination"; 'Home Grown'; Jim Lipp; Rick Lisak; Brenda Woodrum; 'The Rank Strangers'; solidarity; Clients of the Judicial System
Letters to the Editor
page 6, page 9
keywords: Anita M. Hutchinson; Nixon; M.R. Hogan; Warden; Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary; Bureau of Prisons; inmate population; good order
Searches without warrants
by LNS
page 7
keywords: law enforcement agents; under arrest; searches; "stop and frisk"; Fourth Amendment; "routine checks"; drug charge; Washington, D.C.; Florida
by R.C. Filburn
page 7
keywords: Mother F; state bureaucrat; Mayor Swenson; Ernie Kline; Herb Denenberg; Ron Drake; Jack Wagner; Property and Supplies; Frank Hilton; Capitol Park
A thought for the New Year from URPE
by Union for Radical Political Economics
page 11
keywords: What your taxes could buy; A-6E Intruder plane; apartments; 20 mm cannon; single-family houses; cost overrun; F-111; hospital clinic; weapon systems; environmental cleanup; overrun; B-1 bomber; child care program
by Gilbert Shelton
page 1
keywords: Adventures of the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers; skinny-dipping
by Gene Suchma
page 3, page 10
by Levine/LNS
page 11
keywords: Richard Nixon; justice
by Scoven
page 11
keywords: Merry Christmas
by John Serbell
page 1, page 2, page 8
by Jill Rose
page 5