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Volume 3, Number 12: December 21, 1973 - January 4, 1974

This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from December 21, 1973 - January 4, 1974, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of Volume 3, Number 12 of the Harrisburg Independent Press from December 21, 1973

Article Index

Angry men stop driving their trucks

by Stan Luxenberg

page 2, page 8

keywords: Roadway Truck Stop; Carlisle Pike; energy crisis; strike; fuel companies; David Manges; Billy G. Wells; owner operators; company drivers; fuel shortages; Nixon; rising costs

DA's office review bails, advices District Justices

by Todd McIntyre

page 2, page 9

keywords: Deputy District Attorney Edwin Frese; Dauphin County Judges; District Attorney Leroy Zimmerman; Public Defender Richard Walker; Warden Richard Davis; bail system; Allegheny County Bail Agency; bail reduction; preventitive detention; People's Bail Fund

Nixon oversees search for dog's mate

by LNA

page 2

keywords: King Timahoe; E. Irving Eldridge: Irish setter; breeder

Oil industry profits grow

by Ralph Nader

page 3

keywords: Nixon administration; oil companies; William E. Simon; gas reserves; pollution law; waste of energy; Office of Energy Conservation


by Dick Sassaman

page 3

keywords: George E. Reedy; The Twilight of the Presidency; White House assistant; Liddy; Colson; Haldeman; George H. Derby; Squibob Papers; Indians; American flag; energy crisis; Ringo Starr; Charlie Van Dyke; photograph; billboard; Band On the Run; Paul McCartney; Rolling Stone; HIP editor; Jim Wiggins; "All the Blues That Fit"; Tom Wolfe; "Funky Chic"

Meat injected with anti-biotics

by Vicki Sufian/PNS

page 4

keywords: 'Bay Area Guardian'; cattle; California; arsenic; cancer; Food and Drug Administration; Violet One; U.S. Department of Agriculture; slaughter houses; farmer; feed manufacturer; George Pollack; Consumer Union

Women athletes fight discrimination

by LNS

page 4

keywords: Concerned Women Athletes; women's intercollegiate sports; University of Illinois Athletic Association; federal financial assistance; track runners; field hockey team; softball team; food and lodging; javelin

American Indochina involvement continues

by Jim White

page 4, page 5

keywords: Don Luce; Indochina Mobile Education Project; Paris agreements; Indochina Peace Campaign; Jean-Pierre Debris; Andre Menras; tiger cages; Con Son prison; political prisoners; letter writing campaign; South Vietnamese police; USAID; bombing; pacification; defoliation

Walpole prisoners fast for Christmas

by LNS

page 5, page 8

keywords: National Prisoners Reform Association Against Poverty, Racism and War; Attica Brothers Legal Defense Fund; Massachusetts; inequality; injustice; racism; Christmas Fast

Huntington prisoners entertained by concert

by Jim Zimmerman

page 6, page 10

keywords: Huntingdon; state prison; Juniata College; "People's Concert"; political event; Cincinnati; Vietnam Veterans Against the War; Bob Moore; racism; Barbara Dane; Scottsboro boys; "Lonesome Prison Blues"; "Insubordination"; 'Home Grown'; Jim Lipp; Rick Lisak; Brenda Woodrum; 'The Rank Strangers'; solidarity; Clients of the Judicial System

Letters to the Editor

page 6, page 9

keywords: Anita M. Hutchinson; Nixon; M.R. Hogan; Warden; Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary; Bureau of Prisons; inmate population; good order

Searches without warrants

by LNS

page 7

keywords: law enforcement agents; under arrest; searches; "stop and frisk"; Fourth Amendment; "routine checks"; drug charge; Washington, D.C.; Florida


by R.C. Filburn

page 7

keywords: Mother F; state bureaucrat; Mayor Swenson; Ernie Kline; Herb Denenberg; Ron Drake; Jack Wagner; Property and Supplies; Frank Hilton; Capitol Park

A thought for the New Year from URPE

by Union for Radical Political Economics

page 11

keywords: What your taxes could buy; A-6E Intruder plane; apartments; 20 mm cannon; single-family houses; cost overrun; F-111; hospital clinic; weapon systems; environmental cleanup; overrun; B-1 bomber; child care program


by Gilbert Shelton

page 1

keywords: Adventures of the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers; skinny-dipping

by Gene Suchma

page 3, page 10

by Levine/LNS

page 11

keywords: Richard Nixon; justice

by Scoven

page 11

keywords: Merry Christmas


by John Serbell

page 1, page 2, page 8

by Jill Rose

page 5


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