This issue of Harrisburg Independent Press from March 22, 1974 - March 29, 1974, had 12 pages, filled with independent local, regional, and national news. Six months for $5, one year for $8. Download the .pdf at the bottom of the page.

Article Index
Ex-offender loses job after robbery
by Jim Zimmerman
page 1, page 2, page 9
keywords: Jerol Weaver; Harrisburg News Agency; employment; robbery; Don Wetherill; police recommendation; Harrisburg Police Department; Dauphin County Legal Services; Stuart Sacks; Human Relations Commission
Chaplin A King in New York
by Dick Sassaman
page 1
keywords: Charlie Chaplin; non-conformist; moral turpitude; films; King Shahdov; Dawn Addams; Communists; The Tramp; comedy; advertising; political repression
Cutting hospital costs
by Marianne Sears
page 2, page 10
keywords: Blue Cross; Herbert S. Denenberg; health costs; financial statements; hospital care; hospitalization insurance; American Health Empire; Medicaid; Medicare; Insurance Department; Capitol Area Blue Cross; Shopper's Guide to Health Insurance
Nixon backed by business
by Ralph Nader
page 3
keywords: air pollution; environmental impact; Environmental Protection; consumer protection agency; Roy Ash; Office of Management and Budget; "Madison Group"; big business; regulatory agencies; food; price controls; product safety; CPA bill
by Dick Sassaman
page 3
keywords: Quote; Presidency; EXXON; Judge Michael Sheridan; injunction; anti-trust siit; gas allocation; Internal Revenue Service; David Kurz; drug raids; indictment; East St. Louis; California State Assembly; bill; rape victims; sex life; National Organization of Women; General William Westmoreland; Rep[ublican nomination; Governor of South Carolina; Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors; National Guard; Oregon; high school credit; Xerox; compilatio ; doctoral theses; Colleges; Universities; "Comprehensive Dissertation Index"
A feminist project at the Science Fair
by Marianne Sears
page 4
keywords: Capitol Area Science and Engineering Fair; Kim Fry; "Children and Mother-Father Stereotypes"; Bishop McDevitt; Junior Academy of Science; Holy Family School; stereotype roles; William Penn Museum; abortion; women's liberation; students
Pharmacies continue to sell dangerous drugs
by Amy Blotcher
page 4
keywords: Darvon; Librium; Valium; Governor's Council on Drug and Alcohol Abuse; Dr. Frederick B. Glaser; psychological dependence; physical dependence; illegal sales; Eli Lilly Company; Pennsylvania Drug, Device and Cosmetic Board
Can Dan Berrigan find a Job in Ithaca? Not yet
by John M. Hopkins/Rochester Patriot
page 5
keywords: Ithaca college; humanities departments; radical priest; students; faculty; administration; fund raising; college community
NOW members leaflet Seals and Crofts
by Linda Lotzranked n
page 5
keywords: National Organization for Women; abortion; 'The Unborn Child'; concert; Hersheypark Arena; leaflets; Arena police; Elyce Curtis
Letters To the Editor
page 5
keywords: C. Delores Tucker; Secretary of State; campaign spending; Bureau of Elections; statewide elections; Election Code; expense accounts
Harrisburg ranked number 1
by J. Morris
page 5
keywords: Harrisburg High; basketball squads; versatility; aggressiveness
Capitol Insider
by R.C. Filburn
page 6, page 7
keywords: police corruption; Richard Nixon; Special Prosecutor Bill; Crime Commission; Mayor Rizzo; Governor Shapp; gubenatorial election; Attorney General Israel Packel; D.A. Emmet Fitzpatrick; special prosecutor; Ken Lee; Sen. Henry Cianfrani; campaign finance violations
by Dick Sassaman
page 7
keywords: Day for Night; The New Land; The Immigrants; A King in New York; Serpico; The Last Detail; Cinderella Liberty
The end of the Farah strike
by LNS
page 9
keywords: Farah Manufacturing Company; walkout; Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America; pants; boycott; National Labor Relations Board; contract negotiations; wage increase; Chicano; women
U.S. advisers operate illegally in Cambodia
by PNS
page 10
keywords: congressional ban; Cambodian Army; intelligence operations; Steven M. Davis; CIA; POW teams; South Vietnamese Army; State Department messages; Federal Electric Corp.; Army Intelligence School
Loved Seals, hated Crofts
by Dick Sassaman
page 11
keywords: Hershey Arena; Jim Seals; Dash Crofts; The Champs; Summer Breeze; Diamond Girl; Unborn Child; Walter Heath; Baha'i; abortion; Hummingbird; electronic noise
Saboteur destroys nuclear tower
by LNS
page 12
keywords: radiation; environment; electricity; nuclear power plant; Montague, Mass.; Northeast Utilities; Samuel Lovejoy; earthquake
by Gene Suchma
page 1
by Daily World
page 3
by Picha
page 6
by John Serbell
page 1, page 2, page 4
by Jim White
page 6
by LNS
page 9, page 10
by Lloyd Maffett
page 11
by Investor-Owned Electric Light and Power Companies
page 12